In my big box of tricks…
Running a business requires you to know much more than how to prepare your product. There is all that behind the scenes work. The work you have to do in your home office. Generally late at night after your shop has closed.
Well let me share with you some of the tools I used to make my business perform better.
Feel like you never have enough time to do the things you want?
Well here is a totally free, no questions asked, my gift to

you to help you GET MORE TIME… (because you deserve it). Download the weekly planner for the high performance franchisee.
Buying a Franchise?
It is hard to find information on the process you need to follow. Here is another free download that shows you the steps you need to take when you are entering franchising:
Scared to enter the franchising world? Don’t know what you don’t know? Download my free I wish I knew E-Class:
I do have a box of tricks with more templates, if you haven’t bought my book yet but would still like access to the templates look in my secret box of tricks?
If you would like access to more downloads, sign up for the library here.