So you are looking for a business Mentor? What should you be looking for? Who is going to know what it is you need?
These questions are important because over time, you build a real relationship with your Mentor. This is the person you are going to with your problems and they will see you warts and all… They will witness your desperation and your exhaustion, as well as your good times. They become part of your business “family”.
So what do you need to consider when bringing this person into your network?
When speaking with your potential Mentor ask yourself – do they listen to “you” and what your issues are? Can they see beyond what you think the problem is and see what the real problem is? Can they “hear” what the real problem is or are they just interested in telling you what you want to hear? Your Mentor should have a sixth sense about what you are telling them and will be able to “see” as well as “hear” the actual problem which is sometimes not what you think the problem really is!
Does the Mentor give you control of your problem? After all, it is your business and your problem. A Mentor will not take over and fix it for you, but will lead you to the answer and give you the tips and tricks you need to solve it yourself, thereby, building your skill level.
Does the Mentor realise it is all about you? Yes, it is you that is growing the business and therefore the mentor needs to be able to share the benefit of what they have learned in your business with you, so that you can avoid the big mistakes. It is all about growing “you” to be a better business person.
Does the mentor believe in you? Can he/she see your potential, spot your forte – the things that you do better than anyone else in your business journey? Is he or she your own personal cheer squad and encouraging you onto bigger and better things? If not, then they should be although they may not actually even own a pair of “POM POMS”! You should leave every mentoring session feeling bullet proof and with an abundance of enthusiasm to get stuck into what needs to be done!
Having a Mentor that understands you and works with you is your secret weapon to becoming a Success!
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