A word from Elizabeth...

To do list franchise

What is on a High Performance Franchisee’s “To Do” list?

I meet a lot of high performance franchisees.  They are always great people.  They know their business.  They have time to do what they want, they do not worry where the next dollar is coming from and they are confident that their store is running just as well when they are not there as when they are.   What is it that these high performers do that sets them apart? Well I am so glad you asked.  It is not […]

Coffee break franchise

What qualities does a Good Mentor have?

So you are looking for a business Mentor? What should you be looking for? Who is going to know what it is you need? These questions are important because over time, you build a real relationship with your Mentor. This is the person you are going to with your problems and they will see you warts and all… They will witness your desperation and your exhaustion, as well as your good times. They become part of your business “family”. So […]

Shopping franchise

Turnover is Vanity, Profit is Sanity

Too often in the Franchising world we define stores only by their turnover – that’s a million dollar store, that’s a high $800k store that’s a $1.3 million store. It seems that success is judged by the turnover that the store achieves. And rightly so! On a store that has a turnover in excess of $1.3 million, they require a lot of staff, they need to produce a LOT of product and they handle a large amount of money, but […]

Franchisee chef

How to be a Leader in your store

It feels good doesn’t it – being in charge of your own destiny, owning your own franchised business? But being the leader is not always easy. Leading by example can, at times, be very hard – particularly when you are not feeling “leader” material. It can also be one of the loneliest jobs – up there on that pedestal all by yourself! Some of the hardest times I have experienced in my business have been when the chips are down […]

Two muffins franchisee

Why am I a Mentor?

Why am I a ‘Mentor’ and not a ‘Coach’? Well, that is a question I pondered right at the very beginning when I was first setting up my business. I had fellow franchisees approaching me to ask not only could I help them get more profit, but why I was always happy and smiling and why wasn’t the business dragging me down? Where was all my enthusiasm coming from? Interestingly, I also had people coming to me for general business […]


How does Mentoring Help?

I am often asked how does mentoring actually help someone in business. How can anyone else possibly know my business better than I do? Well…. mentoring is like having your own private fan club right there at your disposal, but a fan club that helps YOU to get the best out of both you and your business! A mentor has been in your shoes – they have owned and operated the same type of business and have faced your kind […]

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September 25, 2016
